About Us

Established in 1985, Troop 323 is chartered with All Saints Lutheran Church at 7th street and Coral Gables (just south of Greenway Parkway). In 2019 Troop 3323 was added as a sister Troop operating under their own charter with All Saints Lutheran Church. Our troops meetings are held at the church (except for special events) on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Meetings start at 7pm and last about one hour.
Our troop follows the BSA’ principle of the Scout-lead troop. Scouts plan and lead our troop meetings and outings. The troop is divided into the following patrols: Falcons, Trojans, Nuclear Rubber Duckies and Gorfs. Each patrol has a Patrol Leader. The troop also has a Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) who is usually a high school-age scout that leads our troop meetings and outings under the guidance of me and other troop adult leaders.
Patrols meet on the first and third week of the month on a day of their choosing. The patrol meetings are held at the Patrol Leader’s house. Patrols use this time to prepare an activity or game for an upcoming meeting, discuss upcoming troop events, or work on Scout advancement. For an upcoming backpacking trip a patrol will plan their meals for the outing and select equipment that they will need from the patrol’s supply of camping equipment. Each patrol cooks their own meals on a backpacking trip. Each patrol has an adult advisor that helps guide the patrol.
The troop has one outing a month which is usually on the 3rd weekend. Outings are divided between “car camping” trips and backpacking trips. Some are family events. We have an easy beginner backpacking trip in April. All of our trips leave from and return to the Lookout Mountain School parking lot.
The troops go to Camp Geronimo every summer in June. All Scouts, including Scouts that just joined the troop, are encouraged to attend.
Troop 323 and 3323 participates in Phoenix’s Adopt-a-Street program. The troops are responsible for keeping Greenway Parkway between 7th and 19th Ave. free of litter. Patrols take turns cleaning this street once a month. Look for our troop name on the Adopt-a-Street signs on this section of the road.
All these activities help the scouts with advancement. Our troop has three Court of Honors a year where scouts are recognized for their hard work and advancement. In the past the troop has produced 2 to 3 Eagle Scouts a year.
I invite you and your family to be our guests at the troop’s next Crossover Outing. if you would like to join Troop 323, 3323 or is you just want to find out more about our troop. Our Crossover takes place at Bumble Bee Ranch (just outside Bumble Bee, AZ) typically the third weekend in March. This is a car camping event. Boys sleep in tents or out under the stars. For parents who don’t want to camp, the troop has reserved the large guest house at the ranch for adults to sleep in. Adults staying at the ranch house will need to chip in for the cost of reserving the house. This event is a cookout and meals are provided. At this event you and your parents can find out more about BSA Scouts and about being in Troop 3/323. Our new Scouts will work on some basic advancement requirements taught by older Scouts. We also build and fly model rockets, enjoy a large bonfire and new Scouts crossover into Boy Scouts on our rope bridge.